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Affichage des articles associés au libellé The junior judo team of the sports club Tlemcen hopeful qualified at the Arab championship in Egypt.

The junior judo team of the sports club Tlemcen hopeful qualified at the Arab championship in Egypt.

The junior team of judo ranked in the fourth position in the championship of Algeria held on July 14, 2018 at Harcha Hall of Algiers is qualified to participate in the Arab championship scheduled in Cairo Egypt according to the president of the association "Hope Sports Club of Tlemcen "ESCT, Bénahmed Hocine. This team is coached by coach Benosmane Aissa currently uses the Pomaria room located opposite the Apw headquarters which was closed before.  The members of this association ESCT and the parents of athletes, thank Mr. the wali of Tlemcen Benyaiche Ali for his help and for allowing them to use this structure. In addition, the association faces problems for continuity in training and to have other results as well as participation in the Arab championship in Egypt and the members of the office of the ESCT, hope to be received by Mr. the Wali to expose him the problems they encounter and which are a brake